Saturday 1 July 2017

Shot list

Shot List:

For our music video we will be using a variety of different shots to capture our characters.

Image result for camera shots pan
  • Pan 
  • High angles 
  • Extreme close ups
  • Medium close ups
  • Long shot
  • Close up

We aim to use a wide range of shots , as each shot will symbolize something within the shot. Such as an exteme close up means the audience will be able to see the facial expressions on the character to know exactly what they are feeling. Another example being a pan this will allow the audience to see the characters body image as well as the different mice en scene within the shot, e.g. the scene with the flowers in the bath, we use a medium close up so you can see the facial expressions and the flowers. Overall we hope to have a variety of shots in our music video. 

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