Saturday 30 December 2017



Here shows a screen shotS of me editing my music video. To edit and alter my music video I am using Premiere pro soft ware, the same I used last year. The software can be slow at times however it is the best way to edit, as it gives you a variety of different affects that you can apply to your video. I aim to use these affects to my advantage and add them in to create a variety of different transformation.   

Wednesday 13 December 2017


For the text of my magazine advert i got my inspiration from Dua Lipa's poster. I liked how the text was just an outline meaning you could still see the image, i wanted this on mine as the image shows off the glowy skin and i did not want the text to ruin this by only seeing some of it. I also liked the colour combination of the poster, so decided to use colour similar these being pink and grey.  

Here are a few screen shots of my image next to other artists work.

Here is a screen shot of my music advert nest to Katy Perry's although the colour and image are different i liked the layout, so got my inspiration from this. This really helped as my image was square and i was struggling how to lay it out along with all the information. 

Sunday 3 December 2017

Bill Douglas Museum

Bill Douglas Exhibition:
Back in November my class mates and I visited the Exeter University, where there was a Bill Douglas Museum. Whilst visiting the museum we learnt a lot of key and valuable things such as the history behind filming. Another valuable thing we got taught was about star image. Star image is key when it comes to creating something, everything needs a star to draw the audience in. A star image becomes a recognised sign that is used in many different media forms. Stars can use the fact that their image has a meaning behind it , therefore the image is often used for marketing purposes. Overall I found the trip very interesting and I found out some fascinating things
Here are a couple pictures from the exhibition.

Final post

So it has come to the end of media studies course, what can I say.Over these 2 years my skills in mostly everything has developed dramati...