Saturday 14 April 2018

Evaluation question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction, research and planning, and evaluation stages?
Throughout the  process I used a range of different technologies to help with the research, planning, construction and  the evaluation process. By using media technologies I could access a wide variety of helpful sources, to help me with my music video.
When it came to researching music videos all my research came from the internet itself. It is a worldwide network that is free to everyone making it really easy to get what I needed. I mainly used YouTube. I used YouTube as it is quick and has a enormous range of anything that you want. When collecting this research I then put it on  my blog using 'blogger'. By placing all my research and planning it one place it meant that I had quick and easy access to go back and look through anything. When presenting each post on blogger I used a range of free websites such as Prezi and emaze. When on YouTube and constructing my research, it allowed me to view millions of other peoples work as well as students work. By looking at other peoples work it helped me create and come up with ideas for my own music video.

To create my animatic I used adobe premiere pro. This was very important as it meant I could take my photos from my storyboard, edit them to the music, to get a rough idea of what my music video would look like. I then shared this through YouTube and blogger so I could receive some audience feedback. When it came to editing my music video I constantly on YouTube to see how other people did their transitions so I had a variety in my music video, as well as looking different transitions up on how to do them if I got stuck.

Digital technology:
Digital technology was used in all three areas, camerawork, editing and sound.
Camerawork: To construct each shot I used a Nikon D3100 when it came to filming as well as my photo-shoots for my ancillaries. When filming I also used a tripod to achieve steady and professional shots as well as studio lights, to light each shot.
Editing: When editing I used the software Premiere pro, I found that I had problem with this software, such as it would often trash however it was the best thing for piecing together each shot. 
Sound: As I was creating  a music video all I needed to do was collect the song and place it into premiere pro, and then edit my clips over the top of it.
Ancillary tasks:  When creating my other ancillaries such as magazine advert and digi pack, I used Photoshop


When it came to the evaluation question I made sure that I used a variety of different websites to present my questions, such as emaze, Prezi and blogger. By doing this it makes my evaluation more interesting and allows my audience to be more interactive when reading it.


Technology has also had a big impact on receiving feedback. I have used a variety of different media platforms to receive feedback, such as twitter and YouTube. YouTube and twitter are free platforms that are accessible world wide. By putting my music video on YouTube it allows people all round the world to watch it and comment on it as well therefore this is me receiving feedback.        

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