Wednesday 18 October 2017

Costume design/Props

Costume Design:

  • Simplistic costumes: -Dancers:Black tights and leotard- We have decied to but them in this clothing as we think it will enhance there features     
  •  - Main Character: Off the shoulder top and jeans, filming just the upper half of the body- will not be able to see the top just shoulders. Giving the effect that she is not wearing anything as we think this will be add a modern twist.                                    
  •  - Male:Shirt, trousers and blazer- The male will wear this so he appears smart/dressed up giving off the connotations that he is trying to make an effort.  

  • Simple Makeup: - Dancers: Just foundation-To give a dewy, glowy effect to the skin                                                           - Main Character: Foundation- Bright/Glowy skin, Highlighter on the shoulders so the light reflects off of them. As well as this, she will also wear white mascara to add a modern twist to our music video
  •  - Male: No Makeup 
Image result for retro phone

    Image result for rose gold notebook  
  • Note book- will be used when our main character writes 'new rules'
  • Old retro phone- to be smashed in slow motion

Thursday 12 October 2017

shooting schedule

Shooting schedule 

By creating a filming schedule it helps us to organise our work

Saturday 21stOctober 
Sidmouth: Beach
Lip Syncing, Walking
Monday 23rdOctober
Exeter: City/Streets
Walking, Car driving along
Thursday 26thOctober
Exeter: Water/Bridges
Sitting, Walking
Saturday 28thOctober
Exeter: Graffiti
Sitting, Walking, Dancing.
Monday 30thOctober
School, dance/drama studio
Dancers, Lip Syncing, Bed Scene
Image result for exeter high street at night

Image result for graffiti exeter devon
Image result for Sidmouth beach

Tuesday 10 October 2017


For the milk bath we need milk obviously and flowers. To create the white water you simply just add the milk to the water. I then added the flowers, however made the mistake of using fake flowers first which sunk. I then used real flowers which worked much better. I chose to use white and purple flowers as I thought it linked in with my music video well as it linked to the purple lighting. Purple and white also compliment each other well. It also adds a femine touch, as stereotypically flowers are represented as 'girly'. When filming in the bath I also used a studio light, for the perfect lighting, i also like how it reflects of the water.

Filming in the bath

When fist filming these scenes we had a slight problem. We first started with buying fake flowers to be placed in the bath however we soon found out that fake flowers do not float but in fact they sunk.
Here is a clip that we record from when the flowers where sinking as you can see the camera work is not stead as we could all not stop laughing.
After doing this we then tried with real flowers and the worked so much better.  

Sunday 8 October 2017

Research on genre


The conventions we have adhered too in our music video:

In our video we will adhere to the rules of a music video, therfore these will be, editing on the beat which was andrew goodwins theory. We will also have lip syncing with our star image which is often recognisable in a music video. Another  thing we will adhere to is dancers in our music video which again is recognisable. We will use young attractive women dancers therefore this will appeal to the male gaze, so widening our audience.

What we have challenged:

In our music video we have not really subverted anything however we have challenged something, this being women empowerment. So in our music video we will make the women appear powerful and strong as thy come together to help therefore friend get over a former boyfriend this being our narrative, so we will tell this story throughout the music video.   

Overall our text is formulaic and follows the formulas of a music video.   

Final post

So it has come to the end of media studies course, what can I say.Over these 2 years my skills in mostly everything has developed dramati...