Wednesday 18 October 2017

Costume design/Props

Costume Design:

  • Simplistic costumes: -Dancers:Black tights and leotard- We have decied to but them in this clothing as we think it will enhance there features     
  •  - Main Character: Off the shoulder top and jeans, filming just the upper half of the body- will not be able to see the top just shoulders. Giving the effect that she is not wearing anything as we think this will be add a modern twist.                                    
  •  - Male:Shirt, trousers and blazer- The male will wear this so he appears smart/dressed up giving off the connotations that he is trying to make an effort.  

  • Simple Makeup: - Dancers: Just foundation-To give a dewy, glowy effect to the skin                                                           - Main Character: Foundation- Bright/Glowy skin, Highlighter on the shoulders so the light reflects off of them. As well as this, she will also wear white mascara to add a modern twist to our music video
  •  - Male: No Makeup 
Image result for retro phone

    Image result for rose gold notebook  
  • Note book- will be used when our main character writes 'new rules'
  • Old retro phone- to be smashed in slow motion

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