Sunday 8 October 2017

Research on genre


The conventions we have adhered too in our music video:

In our video we will adhere to the rules of a music video, therfore these will be, editing on the beat which was andrew goodwins theory. We will also have lip syncing with our star image which is often recognisable in a music video. Another  thing we will adhere to is dancers in our music video which again is recognisable. We will use young attractive women dancers therefore this will appeal to the male gaze, so widening our audience.

What we have challenged:

In our music video we have not really subverted anything however we have challenged something, this being women empowerment. So in our music video we will make the women appear powerful and strong as thy come together to help therefore friend get over a former boyfriend this being our narrative, so we will tell this story throughout the music video.   

Overall our text is formulaic and follows the formulas of a music video.   

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