Monday 13 November 2017


Image result for family guy star warsIntertextuality Definition:

The term intertextuality refers to the process of creating references to any kind of media text with in another media text. An example being 'Family Guy' throughout an episode it may refer to another text such as 'Breaking Bad' or another example being it may reference 'Star Wars'.


  • Enjoyment
  • It means the fans of the programme, may watch some of the texts that are referenced throughout the episode.
  • Allows the audience to interact with the programme 
  • If the viewers have not seen the programmes/ films referenced, it means nothing th them , therefore they may lose interest - may lose viewers.


A parody is a media product that mimics in an absurd and ridiculous way of another piece of work/media product, such as 'Scary Movie'. It uses the same conventions of the piece of work they are copying however in a normally humerous way. 


A Pastiche is the opposite to a parody , a parody aims for a comic effect however a pastiche is often intended as a compliment to the original writer. In a way a pastiche is a serious version of what a parody is. Although a pastiche pays tribute to the original text it may just be a collection of borrowed words and ideas. 

However I will not be creating intertextuality in my own work.

Friday 10 November 2017

Copyright Permission

Dear Copyright Holder,

 We are A-Level students and are writing to request your permission to use one of your tracks New Rules by Dua Lipa.

 With your permission to use this track we would use it in our current A-level media studies project, which involves creating a music video to a popular music track, as well as producing an album cover and a magazine advert for the artist.

If we received your permission, this track would only be used in an educational context and be viewed by our media class, teacher and the OCR exam board. It would not be released to a large audience.

 The artist and your company would of course be fully recognised throughout pre-production and the final video itself. A copyright notice with wording supplied by you can be included in the records of the project. If this is required, please send full details and
I look forward to hearing from you.
Amy Davis

Friday 3 November 2017


Image result for vogue magazine women bodies
Re-Presenting Women

How women are viewed:

Often in the Media women are viewed and recognised for there bodies, and the media highlight their figures. However the Media focuses more on the slim figures rather then the more curver body shape , as they think it is not as appealing to the eye, however each body shape is beautiful. 
Throughout time many companys and organisations have been trying to change this for example the dove campaign (Campaign for real beauty). It all started with women posing in their undergarments in a confident way to show off their natural curves, after this it gave million of women around the world more self esteem and more confidence in their body, and to make them confident in their own skin.
The image itself has a white background therefore this draws your attention to the models. The only thing they have within the image other then the models is the title , “New DoveFirming. As tested on real curves”  and an image of the product.The color white is used to symbolize that dove has a better and brighter future as the colour white is seen as pure. Overall this campaign has changed the way the media views women for the better, and is forever expiring different companys to do the same.

Image result for dove real beauty campaignWhen comparing these photo's you can see a huge difference between each one. In the dove image you can see a variety of diverse women posing, showing of their beautiful curves, however in this image although the women are beautiful all of the models have a similar body shape , so it does not show a variety of bodies. Therefore this givess of the connotations that 'the perfect body' is only one body shape.

Wednesday 1 November 2017


Mass audience:

Image result for friendsA mass audience is a collection of technologies that reach a large audience via mass commuincation, although it is difficult by creating a media product for a mass audience means a wider range of people will watch your product meaning , it will become more successful. A mass audience is often those who consume mainstream or popular texts such as 'soaps'.

Niche audience:

Image result for niche audienceEvery media product will have a specific audience in mind. A niche audience has a smaller number than a mass audience as it will only appeal to a specific group with a unique interest.

Fragmented audience:

Image result for fragmented audienceFragmented audience is the division of a audience into smaller groups due to the variety of a media product. An example being Newspapers and magazines can now be viewed through the hard copy or the online version as technology is forever developing.The aim is to sell as many copies as possible as the more copies sold means a bigger audience. However as you can view the product online it is hard to measure their audience as some may only look online or some may only view the hard copy , and some may do both. However the institutions are still making money as the only version means less prints will be made therfore saving money, so technology has its advantages.

Primary audience:

Image result for primary audience
The primary audience are the decision makers, they recieve commuication directly.Primary audience includes anyone who will receive a copy and anyone who will affected by the media product. The priamry audience being the main body of viewers also known as the target audience.

Secondary audience:

Image result for secondary audienceThe secondary audience is simply the second most important consumer segmant that you would like to target.Although the secondary audience does not fall in the primary audience it still makes up a large percentage of the statistics.


We should not need to check the whether forecast as all our filming will be done inside, either in the bedroom, bath or drama / dance studio.

Final post

So it has come to the end of media studies course, what can I say.Over these 2 years my skills in mostly everything has developed dramati...