Friday 3 November 2017


Image result for vogue magazine women bodies
Re-Presenting Women

How women are viewed:

Often in the Media women are viewed and recognised for there bodies, and the media highlight their figures. However the Media focuses more on the slim figures rather then the more curver body shape , as they think it is not as appealing to the eye, however each body shape is beautiful. 
Throughout time many companys and organisations have been trying to change this for example the dove campaign (Campaign for real beauty). It all started with women posing in their undergarments in a confident way to show off their natural curves, after this it gave million of women around the world more self esteem and more confidence in their body, and to make them confident in their own skin.
The image itself has a white background therefore this draws your attention to the models. The only thing they have within the image other then the models is the title , “New DoveFirming. As tested on real curves”  and an image of the product.The color white is used to symbolize that dove has a better and brighter future as the colour white is seen as pure. Overall this campaign has changed the way the media views women for the better, and is forever expiring different companys to do the same.

Image result for dove real beauty campaignWhen comparing these photo's you can see a huge difference between each one. In the dove image you can see a variety of diverse women posing, showing of their beautiful curves, however in this image although the women are beautiful all of the models have a similar body shape , so it does not show a variety of bodies. Therefore this givess of the connotations that 'the perfect body' is only one body shape.

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