Wednesday 1 November 2017


Mass audience:

Image result for friendsA mass audience is a collection of technologies that reach a large audience via mass commuincation, although it is difficult by creating a media product for a mass audience means a wider range of people will watch your product meaning , it will become more successful. A mass audience is often those who consume mainstream or popular texts such as 'soaps'.

Niche audience:

Image result for niche audienceEvery media product will have a specific audience in mind. A niche audience has a smaller number than a mass audience as it will only appeal to a specific group with a unique interest.

Fragmented audience:

Image result for fragmented audienceFragmented audience is the division of a audience into smaller groups due to the variety of a media product. An example being Newspapers and magazines can now be viewed through the hard copy or the online version as technology is forever developing.The aim is to sell as many copies as possible as the more copies sold means a bigger audience. However as you can view the product online it is hard to measure their audience as some may only look online or some may only view the hard copy , and some may do both. However the institutions are still making money as the only version means less prints will be made therfore saving money, so technology has its advantages.

Primary audience:

Image result for primary audience
The primary audience are the decision makers, they recieve commuication directly.Primary audience includes anyone who will receive a copy and anyone who will affected by the media product. The priamry audience being the main body of viewers also known as the target audience.

Secondary audience:

Image result for secondary audienceThe secondary audience is simply the second most important consumer segmant that you would like to target.Although the secondary audience does not fall in the primary audience it still makes up a large percentage of the statistics.

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