Monday 13 November 2017


Image result for family guy star warsIntertextuality Definition:

The term intertextuality refers to the process of creating references to any kind of media text with in another media text. An example being 'Family Guy' throughout an episode it may refer to another text such as 'Breaking Bad' or another example being it may reference 'Star Wars'.


  • Enjoyment
  • It means the fans of the programme, may watch some of the texts that are referenced throughout the episode.
  • Allows the audience to interact with the programme 
  • If the viewers have not seen the programmes/ films referenced, it means nothing th them , therefore they may lose interest - may lose viewers.


A parody is a media product that mimics in an absurd and ridiculous way of another piece of work/media product, such as 'Scary Movie'. It uses the same conventions of the piece of work they are copying however in a normally humerous way. 


A Pastiche is the opposite to a parody , a parody aims for a comic effect however a pastiche is often intended as a compliment to the original writer. In a way a pastiche is a serious version of what a parody is. Although a pastiche pays tribute to the original text it may just be a collection of borrowed words and ideas. 

However I will not be creating intertextuality in my own work.

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