Thursday 25 January 2018

Bath inspiration

Milk bath with flowers:

For one of the scenes I want to create a milk bath including flowers within. I want the flowers to float around the body and head. I got my inspiration after seeing a art piece where they had used colourful flowers in water,and thought it was a very creative idea.

I also got some inspiration from Katy perry - Unconditionally, at the end of the music video Katy perry is seen lying on a bed of flowers as shown here.

Image result for milk flower bathFor my flower colour I want it to link to the colour I use with my lighting, so everything flows together.  

Friday 19 January 2018

Audience Feedback

Here I asked two of my class mates to have a look at my magazine advert to receive some feedback. They said they loved the lay out and said it worked really well. They also really liked the colour combination. To improve they said i should add some more information promoting the song, i then went on to do so. 

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Class feedback


In one of our media lesson, we went round the class watching each others videos to then receive feedback. After watching my music video the class said what they liked and what to improve on.

I knew that when showing my music video my target audience would be females aged 12-21, meaning the females in the class would prefer it to the males.

They all said that they liked the coloured lighting within the dancers shots, and that the over clips were well lit too.

The females within the class also liked the bath tub clips, and said that the flowers within the bath was a great idea and very creative.

I also asked them to give me feedback on what to improve on, they said that at the start on the music video there is only titles perhaps you could put something behind the titles, so it is not just a black background. But overall they liked the music video.

Friday 12 January 2018

Target Audience

Our Audience:

After our pitch we had a clear idea of who out target audience was. We knew that it would reach out more to females as the music video and song is based around representing women in a strong light, which females would want to relate to this. 


Macy - 17

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Audience feedback

More Feedback:
Here I asked a friend to look at all three of my ancillaries to receive feedback. Magazine advert = Ellis said she liked the layout and thought that it worked well, I like how there is some information but not much that it is over powering. I also really like the image of the girl, I think the composition is very professional. To improve perhaps change the colour of the writing on the image in the top right hand colour as it could be a struggle to read for some people, but overall I think the advert looks very professional.                                                     
Digi Pack = I really like the images you have used, especially the one in the bath, I think it is unique and creative. I again like the layout, having all the songs on the back and bits of information at the bottom of the photos. I also like how you have stuck with the colour theme. Perhaps to improve you could add another photo of the dancers to then even out the photos of the girl.   
 Music video = I again like how you have stuck with the same fonts and colours, you can clearly see that they all link together. I like how through out the music video you have over laid two clips, and making them both visible, I think this works well. I especially like the clips of the girl in the bath lip syncing and think you should include more like this.     

colourful light experiments


Here in an example of what some of the lighting will look like in our music video.We decided to use blue and red as they both compliment each other , we maybe also use different colours.
We did an example to see if it would work , so we had a good idea how it would look in our music video. Overall we think that this worked well and will fit in with everything in our music video. Lighting is really important, therefore I will experiment a lot with this in my music video.

Tuesday 2 January 2018


Main Actor: Alice
For my main character I dressed her in all black and greys, to represent power and strength, which is what my music video is based on. In the majority of my music clips I did a medium close up so that my actor looked like she was not wearing any clothes, however not in a sexual way but in a sensual way, to challenge the stereotypes, Normally in the media they focus on showing women in a sexual way focussing on their body but I wanted to represent my female in a sensual and powerful way. I put minimal makeup on my actor only mascara and highlighter to enhance her natural features. As well as this I also put highlighter on her chest, to give the effect of glowy and healthy skin. When filming I also used studio lights to enhance this further, as the light reflected off the skin. 
Dancers: Maddi and Meg
For dancers I again had them dressed in black to represent strength and power as black is a very bold colour. It is also plain so makes you focus more on the dance moves them self. The lack costumes also compliment the purple lighting too. I decided to use purple lighting as it added colour to the scene as well as adding a touch of feminine to the scene.  

Monday 1 January 2018

My Role

Earlier this year I had the role of just filming, however due to the loss of my partner I am now taking on all 3 roles. Camera , Editing and sound, therefore I will create this music video by myself.

Final post

So it has come to the end of media studies course, what can I say.Over these 2 years my skills in mostly everything has developed dramati...