Wednesday 3 January 2018

Audience feedback

More Feedback:
Here I asked a friend to look at all three of my ancillaries to receive feedback. Magazine advert = Ellis said she liked the layout and thought that it worked well, I like how there is some information but not much that it is over powering. I also really like the image of the girl, I think the composition is very professional. To improve perhaps change the colour of the writing on the image in the top right hand colour as it could be a struggle to read for some people, but overall I think the advert looks very professional.                                                     
Digi Pack = I really like the images you have used, especially the one in the bath, I think it is unique and creative. I again like the layout, having all the songs on the back and bits of information at the bottom of the photos. I also like how you have stuck with the colour theme. Perhaps to improve you could add another photo of the dancers to then even out the photos of the girl.   
 Music video = I again like how you have stuck with the same fonts and colours, you can clearly see that they all link together. I like how through out the music video you have over laid two clips, and making them both visible, I think this works well. I especially like the clips of the girl in the bath lip syncing and think you should include more like this.     

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