Tuesday 2 January 2018


Main Actor: Alice
For my main character I dressed her in all black and greys, to represent power and strength, which is what my music video is based on. In the majority of my music clips I did a medium close up so that my actor looked like she was not wearing any clothes, however not in a sexual way but in a sensual way, to challenge the stereotypes, Normally in the media they focus on showing women in a sexual way focussing on their body but I wanted to represent my female in a sensual and powerful way. I put minimal makeup on my actor only mascara and highlighter to enhance her natural features. As well as this I also put highlighter on her chest, to give the effect of glowy and healthy skin. When filming I also used studio lights to enhance this further, as the light reflected off the skin. 
Dancers: Maddi and Meg
For dancers I again had them dressed in black to represent strength and power as black is a very bold colour. It is also plain so makes you focus more on the dance moves them self. The lack costumes also compliment the purple lighting too. I decided to use purple lighting as it added colour to the scene as well as adding a touch of feminine to the scene.  

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