Thursday 15 February 2018

2 Ancillaries and My Music video


Ancillary - Digi Pack

Digi Pack:
Here is one of my ancillary task this being my Digi pack for my music video, for both my ancillaries I kept with the same theme of colour and text. On my Digi pack I have created a sequence of different photos of my main character and my dancers. I ran with a purple/ pink theme as well as black as i believe that the pink and purple add a feminine touch where as black is a very bold and strong colour and gives of the connotations of strength and power. For the main cover I used the same image as what i have done for my poster, the main focus being on my model / main character. The front cover being simplistic so the main focus is on her. The back cover is then what the album has on it a list of the songs that have been placed over another photo of my main model in the scene of the music video. the other photos are again taken whilst in the filming scene, and i took them before filming.I believe this helped as it meant i knew everything would link and work well together. The other photo is of my dancers , ithink this work well as the lighting looks good and links as well as breaking everything up , so it is not just my main character. The photo shows both my dancers holding a strong dance pose to represent power and strength this being what i have done in my music video, representing women in a strong and powerful way.           

Here shows where some of my inspiration came from for the text. I wanted the title to be over the chest yet still be able to see the glowy skin of my model. I think the writing sits well on the chest as well as the main focus is on the model in the middle and i thought that if the writing went anywhere else it would be distracting. Overall i really like the outcome. 

Audience Feedback :

The people i showed my digi pack too said it was very professional and it all works together.They all liked the theme, but like my music video i knew my target audience would mostly be females, as it is all about representing women in a good light.They also linked how the dancers broke it all up so it was not just the main character, overall they liked it and think it turned out well. 

Macy said " I really liked the overall theme and it all works and links together. I love the front cover I think writing on the chest works very well and looks professional, overall i really like the final product. 

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Ancillary Music Magazine Advert

Music Magazine Advert:

Here is one of my ancillary tasks this being my music magazine advert that I created using Photoshop. For this ancillary I again used the same text and them so that all my ancillary teaks link together. When creating this I did struggle a bit with positioning the letting as because the model is centred it meant that i was limited to where i could put my title and information. So i then decided to create the main part square so i could then add further information to my advert at the bottom, and overall I think this lay out works really well , and it is clear. I chose a dark Gray as the background colour as i thought it further linked to the photo of my model as the background of the trees has many grey tones running through it, i did not want anything too bold as i want my main focus to be on my model. I layered the text over the chest as i think it further draws your attention to my model. In the image itself i wanted my model to be portrayed as if she was not wearing any clothes  , however not in a sexual way but in a sensual way. I think the pink letting adds a feminine touch to the advert and I think the greys and black represent power and strength again this all linking to my music video and what it is  about. 

Audience Feedback:
The people I showed said they liked the colour scheme and thinks it works well with one another. They also liked the layout and where the letting and title is placed.   
Eleanor said 'I really like where the title is placed, it really draws your attention to the model, i also like the overall layout, I also think the balance between writing and images is good, there is not too much information but enough to know about the album, overall i think it looks very professional ' 

Saturday 10 February 2018

Filming and Photoshoot

When filming I also took photos for my ancillary tasks along side with it so i did not have to set everything up twice, this was very helpful as it as meant that i knew everything would link as i did it all together  

Thursday 8 February 2018

More audience feedback

Audience feedback:
Here I again asked a friend to look at all three of my ancillaries to see receive feedback. 


My favourite image is the one in the bath tub, I think its unique and looks professional. I also like how you have broken up the colour by adding in a black and white image, I think this makes the other colours look brighter and stand out more.

After watching the music video, I think the camera work / camera shots were very professional. The lighting within each shot is also very good, you can tell that studio lights have been used
 I think the layout of the music advert has been done is a professional way. I like the background used within the image, I think this adds something else to the advert, as I think that if it was a plain background and not trees, everything would merge together, I think in a way the trees break it up.  

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Postmodern Media

Postmodern media reflects the idea that any media product or media text is of any greater value than another, and any judgement depends of the viewers / audience taste.
Postmodern media texts often challenge ideas of truth and reality.
An example being Made in Chelsea the producers try and make it look like real life drama when in reality each scene has been planned down to every second.

Another media text I looked at that is postmodern is Lady Gaga's music video -Telephone. Within the music video it challenges our views on women. It represents women in a sexual way and playing stereotypes.
 Within the music video Lady Gaga plays two parts, meaning it makes us, the audience think what is real and what is fake, we do not know what is reality and which is the real Lady Gaga, the one dressed up , with hair and makeup or the more laid back one with natural hair and natural to little makeup.  

Photo's of me filming

Here are a couple photo's of me filming the bath clips.

Thursday 1 February 2018

Audience feedback

Here I asked a male to watch my music video to receive feedback from a males point of view. By doing this it means that I would have a wider range of audience feedback. Although it was not to his taste he said he liked the editing. He liked how I had overlaid different clips and change the opacity so you could see both, he thought that this was really effecting. 
He also said that he liked the coloured clips with the dancers, he said it was different, instead of using just a normal light you used a coloured one (purple) and i think that works well. He also liked where the light was located, he liked how it created silhouettes of the dancers.
To improve he said you could perhaps use a variety of different coloured lights and not just on the dancer's. But overall I think it's good.


Location shots: Dancing
Here is some pictures of the locations that I filmed in when creating my music video. Here is where I filmed my dancers, I used this location as it had the space , it also is where the colourful lights where located.  For my colourful lights I used big studio lights .I anted to use the colourful lights the create different silhouettes when dancing as well as adding a feminine touch with the colour, the colour being purple.  

Location shots: Main Character

Here is shot my main character in the location 2 (A bedroom). I chose this location as I thought it fitted well with the song, as well as having a nice background.

Location shots: Bath

Here is  shot of my main character in the bath surrounded by flowers. I chose this location as the flowers add a feminine touch to my music video. 

Final post

So it has come to the end of media studies course, what can I say.Over these 2 years my skills in mostly everything has developed dramati...