Wednesday 14 February 2018

Ancillary Music Magazine Advert

Music Magazine Advert:

Here is one of my ancillary tasks this being my music magazine advert that I created using Photoshop. For this ancillary I again used the same text and them so that all my ancillary teaks link together. When creating this I did struggle a bit with positioning the letting as because the model is centred it meant that i was limited to where i could put my title and information. So i then decided to create the main part square so i could then add further information to my advert at the bottom, and overall I think this lay out works really well , and it is clear. I chose a dark Gray as the background colour as i thought it further linked to the photo of my model as the background of the trees has many grey tones running through it, i did not want anything too bold as i want my main focus to be on my model. I layered the text over the chest as i think it further draws your attention to my model. In the image itself i wanted my model to be portrayed as if she was not wearing any clothes  , however not in a sexual way but in a sensual way. I think the pink letting adds a feminine touch to the advert and I think the greys and black represent power and strength again this all linking to my music video and what it is  about. 

Audience Feedback:
The people I showed said they liked the colour scheme and thinks it works well with one another. They also liked the layout and where the letting and title is placed.   
Eleanor said 'I really like where the title is placed, it really draws your attention to the model, i also like the overall layout, I also think the balance between writing and images is good, there is not too much information but enough to know about the album, overall i think it looks very professional ' 

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