Thursday 8 February 2018

More audience feedback

Audience feedback:
Here I again asked a friend to look at all three of my ancillaries to see receive feedback. 


My favourite image is the one in the bath tub, I think its unique and looks professional. I also like how you have broken up the colour by adding in a black and white image, I think this makes the other colours look brighter and stand out more.

After watching the music video, I think the camera work / camera shots were very professional. The lighting within each shot is also very good, you can tell that studio lights have been used
 I think the layout of the music advert has been done is a professional way. I like the background used within the image, I think this adds something else to the advert, as I think that if it was a plain background and not trees, everything would merge together, I think in a way the trees break it up.  

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