Wednesday 7 February 2018

Postmodern Media

Postmodern media reflects the idea that any media product or media text is of any greater value than another, and any judgement depends of the viewers / audience taste.
Postmodern media texts often challenge ideas of truth and reality.
An example being Made in Chelsea the producers try and make it look like real life drama when in reality each scene has been planned down to every second.

Another media text I looked at that is postmodern is Lady Gaga's music video -Telephone. Within the music video it challenges our views on women. It represents women in a sexual way and playing stereotypes.
 Within the music video Lady Gaga plays two parts, meaning it makes us, the audience think what is real and what is fake, we do not know what is reality and which is the real Lady Gaga, the one dressed up , with hair and makeup or the more laid back one with natural hair and natural to little makeup.  

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