Thursday 8 June 2017

AS Media coursework review

Link to old blog :


When starting AS Media I had little knowledge of the different techniques used for all 3 different areas, sound editing and camera. However this made me more curious and intrigued to learn all the knowledge and the ways, I could use the techniques to my advantage.

The workshops from last year especially helped me to produce my successful final task "OBLIVION". 

Throughout As Media me and my partner produced 2 practical tasks and as the course went along, I believe that each task improved dramatically by me adding new knowledge and techniques to each piece of work.

Influences for AS media -Final task:

For my final task, we had many influences all having a main character as a strong, powerful and independent women. My partner and I felt that our main influence was from the film "LUCY" .

Technology used:

To edit our tasks we typically used Premiere pro, however this software often crashed and broke due to being a old bit of software therefore my partner and I had to work round this problem.

 Overall I believe that my AS Media work was successful and I look forward to create more work like this in my A2 Media course work.

Time management: 


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