Wednesday 14 June 2017

Pitch feedback

Audience feedback:

After presenting our pitch to our fellow peers, we then asked what they liked abut our idea and perhaps what we could change and what they thought would not work. Overall they all said it was a good idea however it appealed more to the women then to the male, due to our music video is about women coming together to over come something. They said that warm and colour lights was a great idea and will work really well with our theme/ music video. They also believed the black and white flash backs is a good idea as it breaks everything up, and it is a good contrast between the warm bright colours. Therefore after doing our pitch we got a good feel of what is good and no one said anything negative all that it did not really appeal to males.

So we then found out  that our target audience was females between 13-18 years of age.   

Here is a image of Macy who our music video appealed most too.
She said " I really like the song choice and I think it will work with the ideas you have come up with, I love the bright lighting and that it involves dancing , overall I think it is a great idea, and will watch the music video when the product is finished. "

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