Sunday 11 June 2017

Andrew Goodwin

Andrew Goodwin:
Andrew Goodwin explains his theory by six different conventions within a music video.
  1. A relationship between the lyrics and also the visuals , which illustrate , amplify or contradict the lyrics.
  2. There is a relationship between the music and visuals , which also illustrate , amplify or contradict the music.
  3. Genre - Related style and iconography present within a music video.
  4. Multiple close-ups of the main artist or vocalist to promote the brand image.
  5. Voyeurism often plays a big part, particularly in relation to females.
  6. Intertexual references to other media texts, may be present , especially in humorous videos.   

Thought beats:

This being the structure, speed and beat of the song are represented visually- For example through variations in chorus and verse footage or cut to the beat. An example being a song with a fast past/ tempo with have a number of faster cuts between each shots. Thought beats being the structure work of his theory.
CREATIVE: screen shots

By understanding Andrew Goodwin's theory , it will help me create a professional piece

Here are a few screenshots of my music video where I have edited on the beat. 

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