Monday 12 June 2017

what codes and conventions we will use

When getting our characters to lip sync in our video we will make sure that the lip syncing itself is very over dramatic therefore by doing this it makes it look more realistic. As well as this we shall make sure that our editing on the beat is consistent and matches up perfectly. 

Codes and Conventions:

Codes are simply a system of signs that creates meaning and conventions  are the generally accepted ways of doing something, Codes and conventions are used together in any study of genre
 Therefore the codes and conventions we will use in our music video is editing on the beat and also lip syncing, as these are the typically codes and conventions of most music videos.

Image result for codes and conventions


Image result for katy perry roarFor my dancers I will have them create a strong dance piece, involving strong poses, to represent women in a strong and powerful way. As this is what my music video is based around showing women in a good light, in a powerful way. An example being Katy perry roar. For my dancers I will also have then dance in front of a coloured light. I got some of my inspiration again from Katy perry a lot of her music video's are bright and colourful.  

I also got inspiration from Brandon flowers - lonely town due to the colourful lighting. 

Any one being Lorde - green light, throughout the music video there is colourful lighting. 

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