Monday 12 June 2017

Media theorists

Roland Barthes:

Barthes suggested there would be more than one of five codes that describes the meaning of a text, therefore he suggested texts maybe 'open' or 'closed'. He meant that the text is a big ball of string and needs to be unravelled
Open texts - are those that are open to interpretation and can have many different subjective meanings that are individual to the audience/viewers.
Closed texts - These are products that are produced with a singe , having a meaning in mind.

Levi Strauss: Binary opposition
  • Man vs. machine  is just one of the binary oppositions that Levi-Strauss identifies.
  • They offer powerful levels of meaning with in a text and can summarise a theme of a film/product
  • He highlights that several appositions can be presented in a media text.
Other examples of Binary oppositions:

  • Good vs. Evil
  • Male vs. female
  • Dark vs. light

Vladimir Propp:

Propp was a Russian theorist who studied fairy tales and folklore. He also identified plot elements (31 genetic functions in total).He then developed this into an 8 spheres of action narrative theory. The most easily understood application of this model can be applied to the film star wars.

Having a Narrative will help me to create a strong piece.

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