Tuesday 20 June 2017



In my group we collected some research to find our favourite lighting techniques and what we are most likely to use in our music video. We decided that our favourite lighting was low key, as we think it adds mystery and suspense to a video. Low key lighting creates shadows and is often used in horror films, so lighting has become a convention of those genres (horror). An example that we found for low key lighting was "1975
Somebody Else" music video and an example that it is used in film is in "Harry potter".
Here are some examples that i took for low lighting. 

In my group we came to agreement that in our music video we are most likely to use back lighting throughout as well as other lighting techniques.
We thought that back lighting will work best with our music video, as it can create silhouettes of the characters and can add shadows and depth to the scene. Back lighting is the process of illuminating the character/subject form the back. Back lighting can be both natural or artificial light however I think that in our music video we will use artificial light, therefore we can have more control over it.  

An example for back lighting in a film is "kong skull island" and a music video example is "MNEK, Don't call this love".

Here are some examples that i took for back lighting. 

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